Other Michael Park Other Michael Park

Dream (2007)

Dream (2007)

Short Dance Film
in collaboration with director, Andrew Milne and dancer, Tanja Woloshen
supported by National Film Board, Manitoba Film & Sound Development Corp., Film Training Manitoba, and Winnipeg Film Group 

In my final years living in Winnipeg, I connected with the Young Lungs Dance Collective for multidisciplinary improvisation. I met Andrew through those events and the music I recorded myself playing for this film were inspired by those sessions.

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Michael Park Michael Park

The Grateful Challenge (2014)

The Grateful Challenge (2014)

5-minute Film
in collaboration with director, Allison Beda
commissioned by INTERSECTIONS* 

I met director Allison Beda a week into September. We had been paired together to create a new, collaborative film which would be premiered on October 16th. It didn't take much conversation for us to settle on exploring the idea of Gratitude. We wrote a quick script, gathered some amazing crew, and interviewed some friends.
For this work, we considered my role to be sound director. Instead of composing background for a stand-and-shoot documentary, I used the interviews as source materials for soundscapes of gratitude.

Here are the film's tagline and synopsis:

Brad is brewing tea and gratitude, but is thirty days long enough to steep?

As part of the #30DayGratitude Challenge, Brad is taking the time ot be #grateful each day. With a camera crew as a not-so-subtle reminder, it begs the question "Am I grateful?"

I'll post the film here when it's released online, but in the meantime, click here to see full details and specs from the film.

*INTERSECTIONS is a cross disciplinary project, commissioned by Cineworks Independent Filmmakers Society and Brief Encounters

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Other Michael Park Other Michael Park

Futures of the Past (2011)

Futures of the Past (2011)

soundscore for online video

Welcome to a new spin on the graphic novel! 

Creators Ray Hsu, Chloe Chan, and Michael Park asked. "What would happen if the words and images of a graphic novel were created in tandem with music that explores the same theme?"

Testing the conventions of graphic novel presentation, this collaboration examines the links between frontiers in rail transportation in Canada and China.

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