Solo/Duo, Other Michael Park Solo/Duo, Other Michael Park

Red (2014)

Red (2014)
collaboration for Spoken Word Artist and Pianist
text by Warren Arcand & Michael Park
commissioned by Russell Wallace for Neo-Nativism vs. New Music

The collaboration really allowed me to explore my creative role as a composer-pianist in collaboration with a truly gifted performance artist. The text Warren sent me was an exploration of the word, and idea of, red, with a well positioned tangent version of "a man walked into a bar...".

In response, I thought about what red would be in terms of musical nomenclature. We have letter names for A-through-G, but what about the rest of the alphabet. I composed a companion text about the spelling of red and composed a framework for a 1940's pub style improvisation. 

How the texts and the music fit together was a function of the live performance, trusting the timing and intuition of both performance artists. I couldn't be happier with the resulting performance and hope that a recording will be available soon.

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Michael Park Michael Park

The Grateful Challenge (2014)

The Grateful Challenge (2014)

5-minute Film
in collaboration with director, Allison Beda
commissioned by INTERSECTIONS* 

I met director Allison Beda a week into September. We had been paired together to create a new, collaborative film which would be premiered on October 16th. It didn't take much conversation for us to settle on exploring the idea of Gratitude. We wrote a quick script, gathered some amazing crew, and interviewed some friends.
For this work, we considered my role to be sound director. Instead of composing background for a stand-and-shoot documentary, I used the interviews as source materials for soundscapes of gratitude.

Here are the film's tagline and synopsis:

Brad is brewing tea and gratitude, but is thirty days long enough to steep?

As part of the #30DayGratitude Challenge, Brad is taking the time ot be #grateful each day. With a camera crew as a not-so-subtle reminder, it begs the question "Am I grateful?"

I'll post the film here when it's released online, but in the meantime, click here to see full details and specs from the film.

*INTERSECTIONS is a cross disciplinary project, commissioned by Cineworks Independent Filmmakers Society and Brief Encounters

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